New York's senator Hillary Rodham Clinton sent a letter to her constituents reviewing the challenges and opportunities of the past year. Among her concerns is, naturally, education. See what she has had to offer, and please be advised that this all that she had to say about education.
January 9, 2004
Dear ...:
The 108th Congress has adjourned for the year, and I thought it was a good time to update you on the past twelve months. It has been an active session full of challenges and opportunities.
Like many of you, my top concerns this past year were economic security, homeland security, and national security. At the same time, I have continued to fight on other vital fronts, concentrating on efforts to improve health care, promote education, and protect the environment. It has been a tough battle. But I have been working hard to represent the state of New York and fight for the interests of New Yorkers.
I would like to conclude this update by telling you about an innovative, yet simple program that helps both New York students and apple farmers. Teaming with General Mills this summer, we launched the "Apples for Education Program." Students across New York State can "harvest" stickers from New York State apples and place them on posters in their school cafeterias. Schools redeem the posters for cash through General Mills' "Box Tops for Education Initiative." This program exemplifies what we can do when we work together: industry and education, business and government, students and farmers. It shows us that together, we can all prosper.
The past year was filled with challenges and opportunities. I am certain that 2004 will be as well. There is much to do for New York State and for New York families. I hope you will join me in making our New York community the best it can be.
Sincerely yours,
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Thanks to Elizabeth Carson of New York City HOLD for forwarding this.